
Where Is the Echo Coming From?

Lately, I have been experiencing buckets of synchronicity.

Not just frequent.

But in buckets.

It happens every day, every hour of the day.

So much so that I now consider it normal.

I go about my day and I expect my life to have a mirroring effect.

When I speak, the TV in the background will repeat my words.

When I drive the radio will mirror my thought.

At first, it would stop me in my tracks.

It felt like my words were echoing.

There was an echo and I didn’t know where it was coming from.

When these moments happen it feels like my life is connecting to something outside of time and space.

It takes me out of this reality for a split second.

The boundary between the illusion and what is real disappears.

However, synchronicity cannot be completely understood and appreciated unless you experience it for yourself.

But something tells me that you have.

You know what I am talking about.

You have had experiences with meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained with logic.

To quote Jung, Synchronicity: A meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved.

He believed that these meaningful synchronicities are giving us glimpses of the universe itself. These moments link mind and matter.

He believed deeply that these moments happen when “a strong need arises in the psyche of an individual.”

He observed three different variations of synchronicity:

  1. The coinciding of a thought or feeling with an outside event;
  2. A dream, vision or premonition of something that then happens in the future;
  3. A dream or vision that coincides with an event occurring at a distance.

Isn’t it true that all three variations have happened to you too?

What this tells me is that we are reminded of the universe at large more than just once in awhile.

But then when these events are done we go back to sleep.

Back to the routine.

The repetition.

The dream inside the dream.

Dreams feel real while we’re in them.

It’s only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.” from the movie Inception.

If we are inside a dream right now the only way to glimpse outside of the dream is through synchronicity.

What is outside of this?




The collective mind.

No fear.

To me, synchronicity is a reminder of our true selves.
The one self. (Click to Tweet!)

Yes, life happens here. I know.

But who is the self that does the living is not as clear.

Why am I writing these letters?

A simple reason.

A nudge out of the illusion.

Just long enough for you to ask questions.

Just long enough for you to start expecting miracles to happen.

It all starts here my dear friend.

It all starts here.


Christina Rasmussen is the creator and founder of The Life Reentry Institute, Second Firsts, The Life Starters and Star Letters. Christina is on a crusade to help millions of people rebuild, reclaim, and relaunch their lives using the power of their own minds. Christina’s work has been featured on ABC News, NPR, The White House Blog, and MariaShriver.com. She is the bestselling author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh, and Love Again, which has also been translated in Chinese and German and is currently working on her second book on expanding the mind in ways that allows co creation with the forces of the universe. She is also writing her first work of fiction: a science fiction story about a woman on a quest to start over and begin a new life.
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