
Close Your Eyes and See

I created this blog so more and more people find their way towards a life they can design as well as a life that is outside of grief and pain. Outside of a predetermined destiny about life. I believe that we get to create our reality and a lot of us do this by accident […]

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I Observe Therefore I Create

Imagine for a second that the life you are experiencing here has many versions. But you can’t see the other versions, therefore, you think there is only one. It is the one you observe every day. You wake up each morning and you think about this day, this life, this job, this house, this to […]

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Turn off Your TV. Turn on Your Consciousness.

I dream of an earth where we no longer rely on space and time to understand our experience in this body. I dream of a time when we can close our eyes and transport ourselves into other dimensions beyond boundaries and physical walls. Where we can fly by just thinking of it. I know deep […]

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Anna’s Hidden Reality

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Anna who felt that life was not very fair. You see, not only had her husband left her for a younger woman but her boss at work just promoted someone who had been at the company for a short amount of time instead of her. Also, […]

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We Only Die in Someone Else’s Reality

I was 11 years old when I had my first dream that I had died. I woke up out of breath, confused. The room was dark and the darkness made my own death real, present. I didn’t know anything about the cosmos then. The little I knew about the cosmos was through watching Star Trek. […]

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Get Quiet to Unlock Your Heart

Today’s Star Letter is from Elaine Glass. *** I found you in the midst of a trillion stars. Shining off the backdrop of a colorful and fiery Universe. As Twin Stars, our Twin Souls collided and were blinded by our collective energies. We danced on top of white cotton candy clouds, spinning somersaults and tasting […]

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Is space travel to the 7 exoplanets possible?

After yesterday’s NASA announcement everyone started to think about what it would be like to travel to space and visit these new 7 exoplanets. What we know for sure is that it would take NASA’s space shuttle at least 1.5 million years to get there. NASA’S new Horizon spacecraft would take over 800,000 years in […]

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You Can Find Love Again

Once a year humans on earth celebrate love. Love is energy that lives outside of time and space. It travels to the other side after death and it is found again in both the non-physical and physical worlds. It is magical. It defies laws. It is immortal. It connects us to the many humans we […]

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You are going to make it.

What if I told you we hold inside of us everything that lives on the outside. The successes. The failures. The heartbreaks. The magical moments. There is a field of energy that connects our physical bodies to everything you see around you and beyond. I received a question from a reader that I felt I needed […]

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The Dream Experiment

I was sleeping in a room I had never seen before. A twin bed tucked on one of the walls in the tiny room and right across from it a painting with light shinning on it. It was as if the light was there just for me. The painting was mesmerizing, you felt it in […]

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